Moby Depth

Price: USD$219.99
The "Moby Depth" is basically a spring reverb, but with many adjustments that make it unique among other reverb pedals.
Push it in the deep to feel like you're wandering in a whale.
Main features are:
AccutronicsTM (Belton) digital reverb technology
Tone shaping control
Decay adjustment
Switchable and adjustable feedback loop
Mix knob to blend wet and dry signals
FX Loop (Send-Return)
Powder coated die cast aluminum enclosure
DC output w/negative center compatible w/std 9V AC adaptor
5mm Ultra Violet LED indicator
Professionnal Jacks ---
REVERB: Overall volume of the Reverb and Insert
DECAY: Lenght of the Reverb
TONE: Brightness control
MIX: Blend the wet effected signal with your dry sound
REGEN: Amount of effected signal sent back in the Reverb (Feedback control)
SND: Goes through the Input of any effect pedal
RTN: Receives Ouput of any effect pedal
2024-11 update:
Since November 2024, all Jonny Rock Gear pedals are now handmade by GUPtech, in Saguenay, Quebec, Canada.
Same tone, same circuits, some little enclosure changes to accommodate our new building methods. You can expect the same quality from our pedals.